Who makes up the Pacific Edge Chorus?
We are educators, health care workers, administrative assistants, housewives, accountants, artists, beauticians, retirees, students, IT specialists, mothers and daughters. In other words, we are any woman and every woman. We are women with varied interests, careers and backgrounds. What brings us together is our love of singing and in particular our love of singing four-part a cappella harmony. We also love having fun.
We have members who have been with Pacific Edge/City of Gardens for over 35 years and members who have been with the Chorus for a few weeks.
We perform regularly at community events. Every two years we stage a wonderful musical production. We also compete each year with other choruses in our region.
We meet for rehearsal every Tuesday evening at Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Avenue in Langford, Victoria. Some of our members carpool and commute two hours to rehearsals!

Besides performing at home, we have taken our Chorus to England and Wales in 2010 and sang in dozens of places. And we’re doing another UK tour in 2017, this time adding Scotland and Ireland to the itinerary.
In our Chorus there are educational opportunities where you can expand your knowledge and skills of four-part harmony. We offer PVIs (private vocal instruction sessions) with the music leaders of the Chorus. We also bring in other coaches from the region and outside the region. So even if you do not know much about a cappella harmony we will teach you.

As part of the Sweet Adelines International organization we have the opportunity to go to International events such as the International Education Symposium and International competition. We meet, mingle and learn from and with women from all over the world who share the love of singing four-part harmony.
Did we mention we are fun loving? We have many opportunities to let our hair down and have a blast.
To sum us up, we are women who love to sing, learn, perform and have a whole lot of fun doing it!!
Committed to musical excellence and individual musical achievement, the Pacific Edge is proud of its long history of bringing harmony and joy to Vancouver Islanders through this unique musical artform!