Pacific Edge Chorus Quartets

Pacific Edge Chorus is proud to have the following quartets associated with our chorus.  We endorse all of them as excellent singers and entertainers, suitable for any occasion...



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General public contact: Julie Smith
Area of operation: Vancouver Island
Province: British Columbia



Chrysalis is absolutely thrilled to be quartetting seriously after a long gestation (daydreaming of singing together... plotting to get Lisa to sing lead... finding a schedule that works for 4 busy women from Oak Bay to Fanny Bay... building a repertoire... practising, practising and practising some more).  Xmas 2019 we finally got out into the community for some real gigs and we are ready to pupate!

(Ah, Rose, metamorphose might be a better word; a little classier, y'know? Like us.) 

Right. Whatever. We are ready to fly! 

Grateful for their support and proudly representing:
Pacific Edge Chorus, Victoria
Lions Gate Chorus, Vancouver
General public contact: Rose Justice

Province: BC

Cloud 9

Cloud 9

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Cloud 9
Our quartet formed when four long-tme friends reunited and decided to pursue our musical dreams together in harmony. We've been on Cloud 9 ever since!
General public contact: Lolanda Emerson
Area of operation: Victoria
Province: British Columbia

Rumour Has It

Rumour Has It

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Rumour Has It
Rumour Has It Quartet is made up of four friends who sing barbershop style a cappella music together. Members of Pacific Edge Chorus, and Region 26 of Sweet Adelines International.
General public contact: Rosanna Duffy
Area of operation: Victoria Area up to Qualicum Beach
Province: British Columbia

Out of the Blue

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Out of the Blue

What a journey it has been!

Out of the Blue all started when Shirley (the baritone) and Rosanna (the bass) decided they wanted to try some quarteting some years ago. They roped in a lead and then through some acts of trickery, and refusing to take no for an answer, got Kirsten (the tenor) on board. We sang in this configuration for a year before our original lead had to step down... so in true Out of the Blue fashion we surprised Christine (our lead) into singing with us on a spur of the moment and we have been together ever since!

When it comes right down to it we are just four women who enjoy having fun time together! Through laughter, and song we support one another and enjoy challenging each other to be the best versions of ourselves! We feel very blessed to have the benefit of gleaning tips and tricks from the wonderful Pacific Edge Chorus, the support of our sisters in harmony at Heart of the Island chorus (which is where the four of us originally met!), and coaching from Audrey Hinksman (former Director of Heart of the Island Chorus), Lisa Hood (Barbershop Goddess and Bass of NOISE), and Alex McDonald, Director of The Tidesmen Chorus.

2019 was the first year for us on the contest stage, and while nerves ran high and the competition was steep, we were so very excited to have crossed the stage with so many amazing singers, sharing our love of harmony together!!!

We are Sweet Adelines!!

General public contact: 250-816-4663
Province: BC